Wednesday, August 20, 2014

14dp3dt (4w+3d)

Been a busy couple of days... well more like a big bundle of nerves. The morning after my second beta I noticed some spotting, and the next morning as well. Yes, yes... I know spotting can be normal. But call it PTSD or whatever you will, in my mind spotting = miscarriage. It just gave me flashbacks of being so happy, seeing the heartbeat on US, then spotting and eventually a little cramping and NOT seeing the heartbeat anymore. I was in shock the whole day. It took me a while for it to really sink in. It was a few years ago but it still hurts. And when I see spotting, I just get scared. It wasn't bright red, clots, heavy or anything like that. So I'm trying to remain positive. My IVF nurse said just keep taking your meds and spotting can be normal, especially when using the progesterone suppositories.

I'm getting a third beta today, 2 days after the second. I'm hoping for some good numbers.

Here's some progression pics of the BFPs... Note they are still getting darker from 12 to 14, even with the spotting. :)

One last cute thing: My estimated due date based off of retrieval day is my birthday!! April 26th. :)

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