Saturday, August 16, 2014


I decided to take another FRER and IC (internet cheapie) test today and then do another of both on Monday before my next beta. I got a little nervous because the FRER looked a little lighter than the last one, BUT I'm starting to see a line on the IC today.

It got a little darker after it sat a bit, so I feel better ;)

It's actually easier to make out the line on the new IC when the picture is minimized.

Which leads me to conclude that those tests (I bought them from have a sensitivity of 50 mIU/ml. Their website claims 20 mIU/ml but I don't believe it. The day of my beta (which was 42) I saw nothing, and I'm a squinter. Granted I realize blood levels are present and the body has to metabolize the chemical first, but it should have at least been 20-25 in my urine by then.

I used to buy the wondfo tests off of Amazon, but after I got a GLARING false positive I refused to buy those ever again. And I left a bad review as well. Nothing worse than a false positive for someone going through infertility. Seriously.

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